In my previous posts related to the hybrid PD I am working on for the next several months, Planning for Hybrid PD, Follow-up Day 1, and Follow-up Day 2, I reflected on what I planned to do in the face-to-face and gave some insight about what actually happened. It has now been two weeks since my two cohorts have started their first online component and I wanted to share some thoughts on how that is progressing so far.
I have posted a couple of course announcements (these automatically go to all participants in the course) with holiday greetings and friendly reminders of what was due. Will have to do some 'personal' emails to a few folks who have not participated as of yet. In those personal emails, I will be a bit more 'authoritative' and remind them of the requirements. In part, because these folks are part of a grant that actually is holding them accountable for the course requirements, so I have a responsibility to make sure I am encouraging and reminding them and supporting them as necessary.
The good news is, with both groups, almost everyone did the required introductions and posting to the first week discussions. As expected, some folks are quite vociferous and jumping right in to the sharing of themselves, while others are holding back a bit and sharing just basics. But...there are already signs of several participants sharing more personal stories, joking with each other and even responding to other posts, so it's slow but positive.
I did have to make some facilitator decisions to sort of force the communication, as I did feel, especially this second week, that many have forgotten about the weekly posting requirements (again, holiday interfering here). It is always a tricky path to tread as the facilitator, as you don't want to participate too much in the discussion forums because you want the participants to begin to rely on each other versus always expecting the facilitator to step up. I did consciously respond to several prompts to model appropriate communication and provide some positive reinforcement and show everyone that the communication is not just posting responses to questions, but interacting with others and their reflections. But again, I am being very careful about not responding too much (I definitely respond to questions specific to the technology or the content they are learning), as I want them to start developing reliance on each other as well.
I am happy to see from those who are participating, that they are reading the Common Core Standards of Mathematical Practice, doing the Sketchpad activities, and watching the assigned course videos and tutorials, and giving some very thoughtful feedback. Their responses are of course impacting my thoughts on what we will be doing in our next face-to-face meeting in January. Stay tuned!
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